Monday, September 8, 2008

Who's the man

Spent two nights with the lady this weekend. It was like spending a few days as Jane Goodall studying primates. I had no idea the opposite sex could be like that. It was just like in the movies. During my time there I cooked up one of my favorite meals. It looks a little something like this: Pinneapple Chicken Fa-gee-tas
Also on the food front, I found a local farm market just outside of town and paid a visit. They have lots of season fruits and veggies grown by the very folks selling it. I picked up a bushel of apples, pear and apple butter. To be honest, they are the best apples I have ever eaten. No joke.

1 comment:

Lester said...

You should come down for the Rowdy Dawg in October. There's a cross race on the day before it too you can do if you wanted.

...the last picture in the tour de duece look like you won the race a few times, and killed your gallon of beer each time. haha